Thursday, July 12, 2012

Surprise, I’m pregnant!

Shocked? So am I. I still cant believe it.

I did my first test a few days ago on my birthday. I wasnt expecting anything but two lines came up and I tested again..and it was positive again. That day I tested 4 times. 

The next day I tested again in the morning and it was still positive so I decided to head to my GP to confirm with blood test. And its positive!

I still can't believe the test came out positive. After 2 chemical pregnancies I didnt want to put too much hope into it. Ever since I found out, I have gotten so paranoid that something might happen to the baby. I am praying and hoping that this little one sticks around for the next 9 months!

I have some cramping almost like period cramps and I have been told thats normal but I just feel like AF is going to show her ugly head again or somethig horrible is going to happen.
We are very lucky. I did lose about 7 kilos this month and was exercising more regularly. I am probably at my slimmest and fittest ever.

My whole world has changed. I am suddenly aware that another life is dependent on me. I am going to start making changes on my diet.  

I know that at this stage the "baby" is still a clump of cells and is about the size of a dot. But I want to visualise a happy and safe pregnancy, a safe labour and a healthy, happy child.

Hehe..I figured its never too early to start bonding with the baby.

We obviously don't have any names picked out yet but I have settled for now to call it Little Opa (swedish for Little Monkey).

Lol I'm pregnant. The girl that SWORE she would never have or want babies is pregnant! Its amazing how much you can love something so small.
So I'm actually pregnant and please Little Opa please stick!!

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