Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Soy while TTC

I have heard different things regarding this..my previous naturalpath told me to take soy products as its good for my blood type. And I read on the internet that it was thought to make conception more difficult. So I stopped taking Soy.

Now how does soy affect fertility? I looked through the internet and found this.

Soy and Estrogen
Soy is an excellent source of protein and the female reproductive hormone estrogen. Soy food contain phytoestrogens, literally meaning plant-derived estrogen. The type of phytoestrogen in soy is known as isoflavones. These isoflavones come in different forms and have different effects. Some may function similarly to estrogens in the body, producing a very weak effect compared to the real hormone. And others act as antiestrogens, to reduce the activity of estrogen. Evidence is growing that these phyoestrogens may help with menopausal symptoms, as well as inhibits cancer cell growth.

Soy and its Effect on Fertility
There are not many studies done in this field, however some reports suggest that in countries where soy products are consumed in large amounts, the birth rate is no lower than in countries where soy is not routinely consumed.

A few studies suggest that high levels of soy proten may decrease fertility. According to a report in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a small number of studies shown that high levels of soy can increase menstrual cycle length, decrease FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and decrease LH (leutinizing hormone). Note that the high levels of soy generating this effect are equivalent to drinking a lot of soy milk. Normally, most people do not consume that much of soy.

But since the phytoestrogens in soy products increase the length of the follicular phase and lead to fewer menstrual cycles over a woman's lifetime, researchers believe that it is possible that soy may decrease fertility in somen women. But they also add that women with multiple risk factors for infertility may be more sensitive to soy than others. 

When I brought that up to my naturalpath, she laughed and said that the Chinese and Japanese have been eating it for centuries!

Perhaps moderation is the key. But I guess if you are like me and are experiencing fertility problems, it certainly is a good idea to limit soy in your diet to rule out any possibilities of its affect on your fertility.

I have switched to organic rice milk. Honestly it doesnt taste as good but it contains soo much goodness, im sure it can only help!! 

I know it is all so confusing. When I first started TTCing, I started to worry about everything that I put in my mouth! Who knew TTC can be so complicated!?

I am starting on a new diet where I gave up sugar and only eat organic meat and no dairy. I guess thats all pretty common sense.

Other things to beware of:
- Rhubarb (prevents implantation)
- Peas (natural contraceptive)

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