Monday, March 5, 2012

CD26 10DPO and no AF yet

So yay its 10DPO today and AF still hasn't show her ugly head yet. BUT my actual cycle is 28 days so really AF is really due in 2 days. I'm not off the hook yet obviously.

My temp today is quite interesting. Went up really high and looks promising.

So another BFN today. No surprises ay? CM this morning was watery and even eff white consistency then by evening it became sticky, creamyy and clumpy. 

Was a little nauseous and felt tired pretty much the whole day. But that could be because I couldn't really sleep last night. Let's hope it was morning sickness! I slept restlessly last night again and have been having a series of weird dreams.

I also had a couple of moodiness and feel a bit off balance. Its like I'm on an emotional roller coaster. I can be a huge bitch and then be my smiley, easy go lucky self later.

Still tender, full breasts and sore nipples. Yay. Kept on squeezing and pressing them to make sure they were still sore. How pathetic I know!

Been feeling bloaty, full, with some cramping which started yesterday. Cramping is much intense today. I really feel like AF is coming.

Trying not to get my hopes up, but if my temp jumps higher up tomorrow, someone will have to lock in me in a close for a couple of hours to calm down. I heard that if you stress / over think about being pregnant, your body will act like you are and give you the symptoms. So I'm trying hard to keep it off my mind. Which is not easy!

Here's my temp for today. Isnt it just the perfect picture?

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