Saturday, March 10, 2012

CD31 15DPO and still no AF

I know its not over till AF shows but its still a huge letdown everytime I see get a BFN. It feels so strange to be in no man's land...seeing pregnancy that probably is not even there. Cruel how the body and mind can play tricks on us sometimes!

I have been testing so many HPTs and they are all negative. I have extreme sore/swollen breasts and cramping which is sometimes hurts quite a bit. The cramps are a bit different from my period cramps, it also goes all the way around to my back.

With 28 days cycle in mind, tomorrow I will be 4 days late, I have never been this late. If I am not pregnant then something is hormonally wrong with me. I have also heard that some women do not get a BFP until 7-10 days after AF should have arrived.

Little research I found interesting. Sometimes a women can think she is late, because she may ovulate at a different time. But one thing that does not vary is the luteal phase (the from ovulation to menes). So since I O'd on CD 16 which is 3 days later from my previous cycle I am then only 2 days late.

We are trying for our first, so I really don't know how its supposed to feel anyway. But I wish I could get a BFP if I am in fact pregnant! I read somewhere that the hcg level doubles every 48 hours so how come I'm still getting neg results and if not pregnant, where's my damn period!

I am getting depressed. I want one or the other, either a BFP or AF so I can get started in next month TTC.

Here's my temp..

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