Yippie! I got my first visible ovulation test yesterday
at CD11. The test line was still a little lighter than the control line and
took a while to show up. I did another OPK test today and the line is slightly
darker than the one yesterday but its still lighter than the control line. When
I tested morning of CD11, it was negative..so I am not quite sure if this means
I will ovulate today or tomorrow but by looking at my charts, I would say tomorrow
since my temperature is still quite low.
CD11 - evening |
CD12 - arvo |
So whats an OPK?
All an OPK does is measure the LH surge that occurs
just before ovulation. Once it has occurred then that means you have just
ovulated (in which case you already too late) or you may be just about to
ovulate. That is why I have been testing with an OPK since CD7 just to make
The LH surge only happens once and only as it is about
to release the egg. From that point on all you are reading is what is left in
your body. Ovulation usually happens within 12-36 hours after the OPK first
turns positive.
Testing on OPKs are usually not enough as it doesn’t really
tell you when you are ovulating. That is why most women who are TTCing also
monitor their BBT to determine if their temperature rises as a result of having
ovulated. Some of us also monitor our CM to make sure. Many times those who
just OPK are missing timing sex since they need to have sex two days before and
the day of ovulation. This is especially true if you only test once every 24
hours and that’s why you may want to test twice a day. You should not wait making
love only when the OPK turns positive but make love regularly 2-3 times a week
every week. That way you can make sure you will not miss the important fertile
OPKs are not like HPTs. An OPK has a control line and a
test line, just like an HPT. Unlike HPT, if a test line is present, that does
not mean the test is positive. The test line must be as dark as, or darker than
the control line to be a positive result (remember a lighter line may just be
picking up the LH that you have in your system no matter what day of the month
it is).
If the test line looks almost the same as the control
line, try testing again later that same day to make sure you catch the surge.
Since ovulation usually happens 12-36 hours after the
surge. If you don’t see other signs of ovulation (CM dries up, BBT rises)
within the next day of your first positive OPK, take another OPK to check for a
positive result.
I usually notice some discharge immediately after sex.
The fluid coming out from the vagina after his orgasm is a portion of the
ejaculate. But get this..less than 5% of the ejaculate is actually sperm – over
95% is made up of other fluids. In fact, its totally normal for some of the
ejaculate to come out of the vagina after intercourse. Apparently enough sperm
will reach the cervical mucus especially if you stay on your back for the
suggested 15-20 mins after intercourse, hips slightly elevated.
Baby dust to all!
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