Friday, February 17, 2012

CD8 - faint line OPK

Happy Friday All!!

I did an OPK test last night and there was a faint line. I know it’s a negative but I’m still confused with what it really means. Most ovulation test work similar. The lighter line means that you have not reached the amount of estrogen you need for ovulation to happen. You have to test until the two lines are equal color or the one collected is darker. 

Also I know OPK tests are not 100% reliable so I have been watching my CM and its getting from sticky to watery now, I haven’t had ECWM im waiting. Didn’t get EWCM last cycle so I’m really hoping some soon.

It's also posible to have a positive OPK without actually ovulating. How sucky is that. But it makes sense since OPKs don't actually test ovulation but for LH hormone. A positive OPK without ovulation can happen under the following circumstances:
- LUFS (Luteinised unruptured follicle syndrome) where there is a surge in LH but no egg is released.
- Premature ovarian failure
- Menopause

Hopefully once I started with a faint lint, the big O is closely to follow. I should be testing twice a day but its so hard with work and all.

I also know that once you get a darker line, O happens in the next 12-36 hours. We BD last night just for in case. 

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